Longevity, the Navel and the “Death Spot”

Longevity, the Navel and the "Death Spot" Have you heard of the “Death Spot?” We all have a dark spot deep in our navel energetics that holds all sorts of memories related to death and the fear of death. This is significant because the navel is...

Organ Divine Door Funnel & Divine Web Funnel

Organ Divine Door Funnel & Divine Web Funnel Organ Divine Door Funnels & Divine Web funnels are types of Divine structure that, once manifested, emanate ongoing Divine healing energy for your body. These structures help support areas of depletion or concern in...

Energy System Health Assessment

Energy System Health Assessment Are you dealing with physical health symptoms or ongoing health situations (such as auto-immune diseases, MAST cell activation syndrome, cancer, etc.) and looking for support and guidance?  One way I can offer support is through an...

Electro-Magnetic Frequency Sensitivity Support

Electro-Magnetic Frequency Sensitivity Support Are you sensitive to EMFs or radiation? Do you find it challenging to hold your phone for long periods of time or have trouble sleeping in a building filled with Wifi networks? These sessions are specifically tailored to...