Healing with Egyptian Goddess Isis

Healing with Egyptian Goddess Isis Isis, an Ancient Egyptian Goddess, embodies the ideals of healing, fertility, protection, and magic. Regarded as the epitome of maternal devotion, she is often known as a caring mother, nursing her son Horus or holding him in her...

Healing with Quan Yin: Goddess of Compassion

Healing with Quan Yin: Goddess of Compassion Are you interested in increasing your ability to shift from empathy to compassion? Or do you have a relationship (for example, with a family member or in a co-parenting situation) that could benefit from increased...

Healing with Gaia: Our Earth Mother Goddess

Healing with Gaia: Our Earth Mother Goddess Are you interested in tuning in deeper with the Earth’s loving consicousness? Are you interested in reparenting yourself with the unconditional love of Mother Gaia? Gaia is the modern name we have given to our Earth...

Plant Spirit Healing

Plant Spirit Healing Session Plant Spirit healing is an ancient practice that works with various plant spirits or energetic essences. Each plant spirit has its own expression and vibration that uniquely harmonizes and aligns the energy fields of the human body....

Healing with the Pleiadians

Healing with the Pleiadians A message from the Pleiadians:  “We are beings of light from the Pleiades star cluster in your constellation Taurus. Our only intention is to ease humanity’s transition into the next stage of its evolution. To do this, we will work with...