Healing with Ascended Master Serapis Bey
Are you having trouble accessing the truth of a situation in your life? Or perhaps you are looking for support to stay focused on your spiritual practices?
Ascended Master Serapis Bey, often referred to as Chohan of the fourth ray, is renowned for his dedication to clarity, discipline, and alignment to truth. He encourages the development of solid willpower, focus, and discipline in spiritual practices and will help you align more fully with your life’s purpose.
After receiving Energy Healing from Ascended Master Serapis Bey, people often report a sense of heightened spiritual connection, increased inner peace, and a deeper understanding of their place within the universe.
Receiving these Offerings
My Energy Healing practice specializes in Distance Healing.
With over two decades of experience in this field, I have honed my skills to facilitate healing sessions that my clients find remarkably effective, no matter where they are in the world.
The various Distance Healing based offerings I have listed above are as potent and transformative as receiving Energy Healing in person.
As a testament to this, I have developed an ever-growing loyal client base around the globe who attest to the transformative power of my work.
Whether you’re searching for Energy Healing near me, or are already familiar with the transformative potential of Distance Healing, I encourage you to book a session to experience firsthand the powerful shifts that this kind of Distance Healing (or Distant Healing) can offer.
Or perhaps you are wondering what is an Ascended Master, or curious about the Ascended Master definition? Or maybe you are looking to work with different Ascended Masters such as Ascended Master St.Germain, Ascended Master Hilarion or Ascended Master Kuan Yin (Quan Yin), Ascended Master Katumi, Ascended Master Lord Maitreya, Ascended Master Lady Portia, Ascended Master Buddha, Ascended Master El Morya, Ascended Master Mary Magdalene or Ascended Master Lady Nada?
If so, please note that these distance healing Ascended Master healing sessions are a great way to experience any of the various Ascended Masters for yourself, and to discover deeper answers to your questions first hand. We can use them to work with one Master in detail, or split our time between various Ascended Masters.